Other Ways to Get Involved
Are you looking for ways to get involved and make a difference in the lives of students and teachers in Elkhart Community Schools? Do you want to help further the mission of Elkhart Education Foundation?
There are a variety of ways to contribute to our mission and the work we are doing.
Click an icon to learn more.
Get the School Spirit Card
First State Bank of Middlebury will donate $0.05 to Elkhart Education Foundation for every signature-based transaction made with the EEF First State Bank School Spirit Debit Card. Donations are made quarterly and the best part, the School Spirit Debit Card doesn’t cost you a single cent! You shop and First State Bank donates to EEF.

Donate to the Celebration Tree Program
In October of 2015, Elkhart Education Foundation, in collaboration with Elkhart Community Schools, unveiled the Celebration Tree. Individuals can add a golden apple to the tree to:
- Honor a person
- Celebrate a special event
- Recognize a milestone
With a donation of $500 or more to the Celebration Tree, EEF will present the Apple at an ECS Board Meeting.

Make a Planned Gift
What’s Your Legacy?
As a supporter of education, you can leave a strong legacy that will make a positive impact in Elkhart Community Schools. By establishing a planned gift, you can strengthen public education in Elkhart now and well into the future. Invest today in tomorrow’s community members and leaders!
To learn more about solidifying your legacy, contact:
Ellen Williams, Executive Director at ewilliams@elkhart.k12.in.us or 574-295-4920
Appreciate Stock
Gifting appreciated stock is a great way to support the Education Foundation while you benefit from increased tax advantages. Charitable contributions of appreciated stock provide two potential major income-tax advantages:
- Your contribution is a donation to a registered 501(c)3 organization, and receives the standard charitable tax deduction, generally for the fair market value of the securities at the time of the donation.
- Individuals are not taxed on the capital gain and the 3.8% net investment tax that would result if the stock were sold.
Donor Advised Funds
Gift of Life Insurance

Make a Gift through Payroll Deduction
Elkhart Community Schools employees have the opportunity to demonstrate their belief in public education and the students they serve. We know that our teachers, staff, and administrators are working hard to develop and educate the next generation of Elkhart community leaders.
ECS employees who decide to donate to EEF through payroll deduction, are not only supporting our local students, but the more employees that give will help EEF secure more philanthropic funds. Granting organizations and corporations want to see the percentage of staff that financially give. EEF can already boast 100% giving from EEF’s board and staff, and want to see and 100% giving from ECS Board.
Currently, less than 5% of ECS employees give to EEF through payroll deduction. Our long-term goal is to increase that percentage to 20%. We believe that funding organizations will want to philanthropically invest in EEF when they see that individuals who work for the district are willing to give back.
You can give as little as $1.00 per pay period. Team Up with EEF to strengthen public education in Elkhart!